Hempnall Parish Council

Click on a year to see the Annual Report


The funding for Parish Councils is allocated by the District Council and is taken from the area’s council tax; this is called an annual precept. The income and expenditure for the next
financial year are calculated in the form of estimates and this amount is added to the local council tax and then returned to the parishes in two half-yearly instalments.

The Local Council Award Scheme – Foundation (formally “Quality Parish status increases the level of responsibility and therefore the proportion of funds allocated to that Council. Hempnall Parish Council has obtained Foundation status which opens up a route to even more benefits and grants to help us promote a better lifestyle in the Parish. For more information on The Local Council Award Scheme click here.

Financial Regulations

The Parish Council operates in accordance with financial regulations based upon national guidelines.

Available documents for the years ended 31st March:


Accounts Annual Return

including annual governance
statement, internal
audit report

Supporting Financial
bank reconciliation, explanation
of any significant
variances, and an
explanation of any
differences between
‘balances carried
forward’ and ‘total cash
and short term
investments’, if
2023 2023 2023 2023
2022 2022 2022 2022
2021 2021 2021 2021
2020 2020 2020 2020
2019 2019 2019 2019
2018 2018 2018 2018
2017 2017 2017 2017
2016 2016 2016
2015 2015 2015 n/a
2014 2014 n/a
2013 2013 n/a
2012 2012 n/a
2011 2011 n/a
2010 2010 n/a
2009 2009 n/a

Action Plan

The parish council publishes an action plan annually taking into account matters raised by parishioners, its statutory duties, budget and the aims of councillors. In future the plan will be published in May following the parish meeting.

The parish council continually reviews and updates the action plan to reflect changing priorities.

Click here for the latest action plan

Details of the public land to the benefit of Hempnall Parish Council is as follows:


Description Approx Size Location Owner/Custodian Date of Acquisition Cost of Acquisition Present Use
Playing Field 5 acres Bungay Rd, Hempnall HPC 01/12/1948 £298 Playing Field
Land 1 acre Turkey Row, Hempnall SNC for Hempnall Parish unknown Nil – Gifted Rented to 3rd Party
Pond 1/10 acre Hugmore Pond, Lundy Green, Hempnall SNC for Hempnall Parish unknown Nil – Gifted Public Amenity